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Let's Write: Spring Class Series

1 - 3 p.m. EST on 4 consecutive Sundays
April 14, April 21, April 28, & May 5, 2024

Commit to your writing practice and moving your pen in a supportive creative community for four consecutive weeks.


Let's Write is a two-hour online creative writing gym where writers at any level of experience gather to do timed writing on provided prompts. In the lineage of Natalie Goldberg, you are encouraged to share what you write, but it is not required. We will not be workshopping or offering notes on the writing that is generated. As facilitator, I will be holding the space, offering prompts and guidance, as well as writing with you. Everyone is welcome at Let's Write: all races, religions, genders, sexual orientations, abilities, and disabilities. 

What you'll need

A notebook and writing utensil, as we write freehand. I like to have something close by that grounds me (a small stone), and I light a candle, too. If either resonate, please join in.




Tiered pricing is available so that those with more can support those who need it. When you register at the Supporter rate, a portion of your fee is applied toward another writer's reduced-rate spot. If a lower price will make Let's Write possible for you, please register at the 'Supported' rate. 

4 Week Series (available until Apr 10):
$130 Supporter | $90 Regular | $70 Supported

Single Class Rates:
$35 Supporter | $25 Regular | $20 Supported

Equity spots are available on a first come first serve basis, and arranged by email: is given to those who self-identify as BIPOC, queer, trans and/or caregivers. 

Cancellation Policy

There are no refunds. If you are unable to attend, please let me know so that I may release your spot to a waitlisted writer. 

Register here
Following your registration, e-transfer with your fee secures your spot.

Leaves Shadow

"I highly recommend Sasha's "Let's Write" sessions. Sasha is an exceptional session leader - setting up a welcoming, safe, creative space for writers to take risks, be vulnerable and share with abandon. I find her sessions especially useful for opening the floodgates of creativity without judgement. A perfect antidote to writer's block or a playground for established creatives to stretch and experiment." 

Shaina Silver-Baird (Actor, musician & writer) 

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