Five minutes, every day
Spring is around the corner and the corner is getting closer and closer. Let's be patient. Together.
My dear friend Julia and I have been writing side-by-side since 2010. Inspired by the grandmother of writing practise, Natalie Goldberg, we fell in love with tiny, unedited, five minute stories. There is something magical that happens in such a small snippet of time. It is fast and dirty, and we get to the heart of what we want to say without wasting any time. In 2011 our onging, web-based, pocket-sized writing project, “these five minutes”, was born. It's just the way we like it. Short writes. Short reads.
these five minutes has taught me about the power of practise, the unending possibilities in our imaginative jungles and how we only need five minutes to make something small and special and rare. We write in our beds, on the streetcar, in the tub, in the park, and at the kitchen tables of friends and family. A statement you're likely to hear at my house is, "Hold on! I'm doing my post!" I am so grateful for these moments of dedication and discipline.
Our these five minutes recipe is: 1. Inspiration "dip" (find a phrase, word, image or audio clip arbitrarily in a source of our choosing). 2. Set the timer to five minutes. 3. Write (without editing). 4. Share. Do you have five minutes? GIve it a go. It's fun and challenging and you'll get to know your inner world a bit better.
Since launching the project, we curated a collection of our stories in our self-published chapbook, these five minutes: volume one, which was released in hard copy in March 2012, with a reading and book launch.
Interested in having a copy of your own? We'll hook you up!
We also host seasonal Writer's Workouts. If you're interested in writing with us, keep an eye on our Facebook page and website.
In 2013, we began hosting our these five minutes: resident writing group, featuring a group of wonderful local writers. We gather weekly for timed writing practise at the CSI Coffee Pub. If you happen to be there on a Wednesday morning, close your eyes and tune your ears to the group of madly scribbling women writers in the corner, sharing our stories and our hearts.
We are overjoyed to celebrate the exceptional talent of our writing group on Sunday, April 6th. these five minutes is hosting a reading, just in time to welcome spring. It will be here by then. I promise.
The evening will feature writers: Caitlin Fysh, Taylor Graham, Dianne Oliveira, Natalie Remplakowski, Julia Pileggi, Susan Stover, and myself.
Where: Beit Zatoun, 612 Markham St. (just across the street from the Markham St. exit of the Bathurst Subway station).
When: Sunday, April 6th. Doors open at 6:30pm, reading begins at 7:00pm.
Reception to follow, where light snacks and beverages will be provided.
$10 (sliding scale) at the door.
Please feel free to bring a friend and spread the word to those that might be interested.
I hope we will see you there.