This Is It
An episodic, gritty, unrelenting collage of the mundane mystery of what it might be to love and be loved.
"Under Mark Wilson’s direction, Athanasopoulos and Jurgens have believable chemistry from the start. Kostas talks a lot, and Eve is less inclined to put her feelings into words, and when she does it usually involves “fuck.” But not all the episodes depend on words; several make their point physically and take place in bed... Singer-Wilson nails the state of their relationship at any one moment..."
- NOW Magazine (Stage Scenes)
This Is It is a fiery exploration of intimacy, trust, love and commitment between Eve, a waitress with the mouth of a trucker and a closet full of skeletons, and Kostas, an academic who has finally come into his own and found the unlikely woman of his dreams. Follow their search for grace as a revelation of what lies at the heart of their marriage threatens to either bond or destroy them.
This Is It premiered at lemonTree {studio}, Toronto, January 15-25, 2014.
This Is It
Written by Sasha Singer-Wilson
Directed by Mark Wilson
With Aris Athanasopoulos and Sarah Jurgens
Designed by George Quan
Stage Managed by Sasha Maslow
Produced by the blood projects
Photograph of Aris Athanasopoulos and Sarah Jurgens by LV Imagery.
Video by Kat Webber.